Services at St Andrew by the Wardrobe
The Church Narthex is now open Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm
We hold a Lunchtime Mass once a month at St Andrew by the Wardrobe and twice a month at St Martin Ludgate. Please see our services page for the dates.
Our vision for the future of St Andrew by the Wardrobe
St Andrew by the Wardrobe is at a crossroads. It is well loved and valued by City organisations who fill it on significant occasions during the year. Yet, with only a very small regular congregation, this intermittent activity is not enough to sustain it. St Andrew’s needs a new year-round use that will bring the church back to full life and ensure its future viability.
St Andrew by the Wardrobe has featured as a case study by the Church of England on the day it launches the National Net Zero Carbon Pathway. Take a look:
St Andrew by the Wardrobe becomes carbon neutral.
Fr Luke and Archbishop Angaelos from the Egyptian Coptic Orthodox Church inspect the building work.

Please see here for more details.
Building bridges to serve and renew our city
Thank you for your interest in this beautiful Wren church where the passing generations have worshipped God and sought his blessing. We warmly welcome those who come to join us for worship or who seek a quiet place in the midst of the City’s bustle. We also welcome students and tourists who come to visit our memorial to William Shakespeare. We invite you to join with us in building and sustaining the Christian life and witness of this historic part of the City of London. Visit us if you can.
Family History Research
The church’s old Birth, Marriage and Baptism records are held at the London Metropolitan Archives:
40 Northampton Road, London EC1R 0HB | 020 7332 3820 |
What is that bell?
Have you ever wondered why our church bells ring in such a strange way? Well, Fr Luke Miller has the answer. Click here to find out more.